Elizabeth Jameson
MFA Sculpture, Mills College, Oakland Ca                          Â
BA Art, Western Washington University, Bellingham Wa
Herringer Family Foundation purchase, 2004 The Stranger Genius Award, "one to watch"Â 2004 Best of Show, Bellevue Art Museum Auction, 2001 Special Award, Art Port Townsend, Annual Juried Show, 2000 Fellowship Award, Villa Montalvo, 1999 Best of Show Award, Pacific Northwest Arts Council Juried Exhibition âPhreshâ 1999 Seattle Collects, Seattle Arts Commission, 1999 Jay DeFeo Awardfor Outstanding MFA Graduate, Mills College, 1998 Cadogan Scholarship, The San Francisco Foundation, 1997
Invitational Artist Residencies
Centrum Artist Residency, 2006 Port Townsend WA
Headlands Artist Residency, nominee for 2006, San Francisco CA
Centrum Artist Residency, 2001 Port Townsend, WA
Villa Montalvo Artist Residency Program, 1999 Saratoga CA
Tophat Shine Artist Residency Program, 1999 Vienna Austria
Solo Exhibitions
G. Gibson gallery, Seatle WA 2014 Henry Art Gallery "Viewpoints", Seattle WA 2013 Fetherston Gallery, Seattle WA 2012 Fetherston Gallery, Post Bellum Seattle WA 2009 Northwind Arts Center, Port Townsend WA 2008 Fetherston Gallery, Seattle WA 2007 Fetherston Gallery, Seattle WA 2004 Henry Art Gallery, Elizabeth Jameson: Splendorform, Seattle WA 2002 FetherstonGallery, Seattle WA 2002 King County Art Gallery, Seattle WA 2000 Vereinigung Bildender Kunstlerinnen Osterreichs, Vienna Austria 1999 Raw Gallery, Seattle WA 1999 Viking Union Gallery, Bellingham WA 1999 AOV Gallery, San Francisco, Ca 1998
Juried and Invitational Exhibitions
Bellevue Art Museum Museum Forum, Bellevue WA 2020
Bellevue Art Museum "Bellwether 2019" Bellevue WA 2019 Erickson Theater off Broadway Degenerate Art Ensemble "Skeleton Flower" Seattle WA 2019 Port Townsend Wearable Art Show, "The Patchwork Queen" Port Townsend WA 2018 On the Boards Degenerate Art Ensemble "Predator Songstress" Seattle WA 2017 Yerba Buena Performance Center Degenerate Art Ensemble "Predator Songstress" San Francisco CA 2016 Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, Bainbridge Island WA 2014 G. Gibson gallery Seattle WA 2013 SAM Gallery "Stitchery" Seattle WA 2013 Northwind Arts Center "The Figure" Port Townsend WA 2013 Bumbershoot "Elvistravaganza" Seattle WA 2012 Bumbershoot "Bumber by Number" Seattle WA 2011 University House Wallingford "North South East West" Seattle WA 2011 Kobo at Higo "Senninbari" Seattle 2011 Whatcom Museum "Show of Hands: Northwest Women Artists 1880-2010" Bellingham WA 2010 SAM Gallery "Here and Now" Seattle WA 2007 Kunst-Markt Am Schopfwerk, Vienna Austria 2006 On the Boards, Dinner Theater by Matthew Richter/XOM, Seattle WA 2006 Bainbridge Arts and Crafts, Intersections, Bainbridge Island, WA 2006 Bumbershoot, Softly Threatening: Artwork of the Modern Domestic, Seattle WA 2006 Richmond Art Center, Dress: Clothing As Art, Richmond, CA 2005 Sun Valley Center for the Arts, Inside Out, Ketchum ID 2005 Center on Contemporary Art, Couplings, Seattle WA 2005 Kirkland Arts Center, Ruffle: Decadent Vexation, Kirkland WA 2004 Vereinigung Bildender Kunstlerinnen Osterreich, Archiv, Vienna Austria 2004 Bumbershoot, Thread: Fashion is Art, Seattle WA 2003 Testpattern, Partsong, Seattle WA 2003 City Space, Seattle Collects 2002, Seattle WA Eye Lounge, Invitational 2002, Phoenix AZ Noodleworks Invitational, Lava 2002, Seattle WA Henry Art Gallery, Cheap Thrills, Seattle WA 2002 Art Port Townsend Juried Art Show, Port Townsend WA 2000, Deborah Paine juror Bellevue Art Museum, âNorthwest Annualâ Bellevue WA 2000, Brian Wallace juror Western Gallery, Point of Origin: Westerns Art Alumniâ Bellingham, WA 200 San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery âFacing Fearâ 1999, Rupert Jenkins, Paula Levinejurors Pacific Northwest Art Council âPhreshâ Seattle, WA 1999, Trevor Fairbrother juror Tacoma Art Museum, Northwest Biennial Competition âThe Endâ 1999, Fred Wilson juror Bellevue Art Museum, Pacific Northwest Annual, Bellevue WA 1999, John Tupper juror Erector Square Gallery, National Juried Exhibition, New Haven CT 1999, Elizabeth Sussman juror COCA Northwest Annual, Seattle WA 1999, Kerry James Marshall juror Berkeley Art Center, 14 Annual juried Exhibition, Berkeley Ca 1998, Janet Bishop juror Fetherston Gallery, Group Show, Seattle WA 2011 SAM Gallery, Body Image, Seattle WA 2008 Fetherston Gallery, Seattle WA 2007Â Henry Art Gallery, Big Bang Bash, Seattle WA 2007 Alysia Duckler Gallery, LA Artfair, Los Angeles CA 2006 Henry Art Gallery, Bashville, Seattle WA 2005 Henry Art Gallery, Short Stories: Contemporary Selections, Seattle 2005 SAM Gallery, Ballard Fetherston Gallery Artists Seattle 2004 SAM Gallery, 30 anniversary celebration Seattle WA 2003 Fetherston Gallery, Seattle WA 2001 AOV Gallery, San Francisco Ca 2001 Fetherston Gallery, Seattle WA 2001 SAM Gallery, âIntroductions 2000â Seattle WA Project 416 âCarapaceâ Seattle WA 1999 Artspace âBox Populiâ Seattle WA 1999 Mills College Art Gallery âMFA Exhibitionâ 1998 Oakland CA
Select Bibliography
"In Bloom" City Arts magazine , October 2018 "How Godzilla and a dress of 10,000 flowers" Crosscut.com 2019 "Women artists reflect.." The Seattle Globalist July 2017 "Rebel Royalty" City Arts magazine, November 2015 "Artist profile-Elizabeth Jameson" Art Ltd Magazine March 2014 âOperation Enduring Freedomâ In/Visible podcast thestranger.com, May 2007 âNurses and Queensâ Seattle Weekly Recommendation Rachel Shimp May 2007 âSeattle: Sam's Masterpieces , Bugs on displayâ Jen Graves artinfo.com, May 2007 âFitch and Jameson's versions of the modern domestic are quite exoticâ Seattle P-I, 5/24/07 âBumbershoot: Creepy cakes and tree sweaters are in the limelightâ Seattle P-I, Sept 1, 2006 âTool Kitâ project for Resonance magazine, Spring 2006 âCoffee with an Art Starâ threeimaginarygirls.com, March 2005 âArtists dress up our fears in Ruffle: Decadent Vexationâ Seattle P-I, Oct 29,2004 âGenius Awards, Ones to Watchâ The Stranger, October 14, 2004 âThe Stranger Suggestsâ The Stranger, October 14, 2004 âTwo contrasting shows at Ballard-Fetherstonâ Seattle P-I, May 21, 2004 âSix Superlativesâ Seattle Weekly, December 31-Jan 6 2004 âThe Mountain is Outâ Modern Painters, Autumn 2002 âElizabeth Jameson at Ballard Fetherston Galleryâ Artweek, October 2002 âBound and Seduced, Outfits of Secrecy and Fearâ The Stranger, August 15, 2002 âElizabeth Jameson:The line between isolation and beautyâ International Examiner, Aug7,2002 âArtist looks at clothing : Are we wearing it, or is it wearing us?â Seattle P-I, August 2, 2002 âProtection Racketâ Seattle Weekly, July 18,2002 âDread and Whimsy: The drawings of Elizabeth Jamesonâ www.thebluehammer.com âDecorative art is exalted in painting and sculptureâ Seattle P-I, Dec 7, 2001 âPricey Parodiesâ Seattle Weekly, Dec 13-19 2001 âHits, misses at the Pacific Northwest Annualâ Seattle Weekly, Aug 17-23 2000 âStranger Suggestsâ The Stranger, September 2000 âArt in Progress: BAMâs Pacific Northwest Annualâ Seattle P-I, July 11, 2000 âSample the new styles at SAMâs rental galleryâ Seattle Times, March 10, 2000 âThe End: Tacoma Art museum Northwest BiennialCompetitionâ Art Access, September 1999 â1999 Northwest Annual: A very good year at Bellevue museumâ Seattle P-I, July 12, 1999 â1999 Northwest Annualâ Seattle Times, January 21, 1999
Catalogue and Book Illustration
Degenerate Art Ensemble, Predator Sonstress Catalog 2016 Show of Hands: Northwest Women Artists 1880-2010, Whatcom Museum, Bellingham WA 2010 Open Box, Carla Harryman, Belladonna Books, 2007 DAS FINDBUCH ZUR VEREINIGUNG BILDENDER KĂNSTLERINNEN ĂSTERREICHS, Vienna, Au. 2006 Filter Literary magazine, Seattle WA 2006 Dress: Clothing as Art, Richmond Art Center, Richmond CA 2005 Fashion is Art, Thread for art, Seattle WA 2003 Lava 2002, Noodleworks Invitational, Seattle WA 2002 Printemps a Paris, The Bellevue Art Museum Gala Auction, Bellevue WA. 2001 Beyond the Rock Garden, The Wingluke Asian Museum, Seattle WA. 1996
Arts Associations
Artists for Japan, founding member of fundraising group for Japan earthquake, 2011-current
Seattle Arts Commission, 2007-2009
Soil, Artist's Co-op , 1995-1996, 1998-2000
Greenwood Arts Council 1995-1996
619 Gallery, founder and director, 1995-1996
Teaching, Curating, Lecture and Panel Discussion
The Grocery, artist talk with Degenerate Art Ensemble Seattle WA 2018
Degenerate Art Ensemble, artist talk Seattle WA 2017
Northwind Arts Center, juror âAlchemy for the Abstractâ Port Townsend Wa 2010
Northwind Arts Center, artist talk, Port Townsend WA 2010
Bumbershoot, artist talk with curator Yoko Ott, 2006
Sun Valley Center for the Arts, artist talk with curator Kristin Poole, 2005
Henry Art Gallery, Artist Conversation w/ Robin Held and Judy Souralki, 2002
Henry Art Gallery, slide lecture presentation in Collections, 2002
Kustom Purse, Kuhlman, Seattle WA 2001-Curator
King County Art Gallery, Juror for 2001 gallery program
Yesler Community Center, art teacher
COCA - Artist Assistant to Performance Artist Marilyn Arsem, 1999
Berkeley Art Center, 14th Annual Juried Art Exhibition, Artist Salon Panelist 1998
Mills College teaching assistant to Moira Roth 1998
Mills College teaching assistant to Anna Valentina Murch 1999
Public Collections
Whatcom Museum
Henry Art Gallery
Mills College Art Museum
City of Seattle
St. Regis Hotel
Neiman Marcus